International Council for the Accreditation of Academic Evaluation

Using Credentials


ICAAE credential evaluations enable you to understand the exact nature and equivalency of the educational background of prospective employees who were educated outside the U.S. Importantly, it also provides verification of the authenticity of credentials submitted.

ICAAE is the leading credential service in the United States. It employs over 100 professionals, from more than 30 countries around the world who are sensitive to concerns of foreign-educated clientele. The ICAAE evaluators have extensive experience and training in US and international education systems and are recognized authorities in their fields.


How does a credential evaluation work?


  • An employer refers an applicant with a non-U.S. degree to ICAAE for an evaluation report.
  • A ICAAE evaluator is assigned who then verifies all relevant academic documents.
  • The credentials are then evaluated, using various criteria including:
    • Admissions requirements
    • Education level
    • Type of institution
    • Objective of educational program
    • Information measured against U.S. standards
    • All grades and courses converted to U.S. equivalents
  • Evaluation reviewed by senior evaluators.
  • Completed evaluation sent to applicant and employer within 7 days from receipt of application and required documents.
  • Hiring managers and human resources professionals can make decisions with confidence, knowing that the ICAAE evaluation report provides an accurate evaluation of a candidate’s academic performance.

ICAAE conducts extensive research on education systems and evaluation methodology and is at the center of a global network of up-to-date information on international higher education. ICAAE maintains an evaluation database – drawing upon the carefully researched data compiled through the evaluation of more than 350,000 evaluations - that contains more than 45,075 foreign academic institutions, one million courses, 1600 grading scales, etc. which continues to grow every day. It’s our mission to be your source for international academic intelligence.